Cinquanta Volte Intorno, January 2021 was a curated exhibition of my visual art, at Grey Matter Art Space in Baltimore, MD - in celebration of my 50th birthday.  I've edited an 8 min video of that experience, through my eyes and voice, along with David Herman playing guitar and bass.  He is an analog recording engineer and owner of Grey Matter Art Space. 

If you're not aware of the more recent parts of my 'story' here's a little bit... I'm feeling very reflective these days, all kinds of eclipses and retrogrades happening lately.

After living in Charlottesville, VA for twenty years, playing music with a few bands and working exclusively with children with autism, or with intense trauma histories... I moved in 2016 to focus on being a visual artist and take a step away from the intensity of my career choices.  

Since leaving Virginia - I have built an extensive portfolio, have begun to establish myself as a small business owner, have shown work in festivals and galleries, met some incredible artists and experienced the highs and lows of living in Baltimore.  

When I first moved there, I knew I had a lot of healing to do - and I also knew I had a lot of love in my heart and in the visuals I was inspired to create- to pour back into the city. It was the best decision I could have made for myself, I have healed and expanded immensely - as a woman and as an artist. 

So, when I turned 50 in January and had my first solo art show, deep into Covid times- my brain broke a little bit.  It was less about having reached an absurd age ...and more about this enormous collection of images I had created in years passed, let alone the past five years in Baltimore, or in the year of quarantine.  Seeing myself outside myself, hanging on walls like that... was really very surreal.  

By brain breaking, I mean I haven't felt the compulsion to paint - to express myself visually - to use my hands in the same way.  I'm also not concerned,I have been an artist and musician for the majority of my life - so I know it goes away sometimes, you pick up another medium to express through, and when it returns - you're usually better or deeper in than you were before.  I can't wait! 

And instead of painting/adding MORE images to an already hoarder sized collection, over the past several months I have been organizing, cataloging, and building out the business end - which is really hard to do when all you want to do is paint.  Is like I needed to get my managerial mind around all this creative imaging. 

I'm grateful for this journey... and this is what I have to show so far   Please visit my website and take a peep at how this 50.5 year old woman you know -sees and feels her way through the world until now.  Of course, I urge you to take some off these off my hands. 

I feel really proud of the visual art I've created/translated... and this platform here to show it.  May we all experience more love, more light and more healing in these emerging from the cocoon of covid times... with our wings still sticky, rallying to fly.